Life in a Week... A Book About Being Really Happy and Life in a Week... What Is Spirituality are two of my creations that I wanted to share with the world. I feel we all have a story to tell but, more importantly we feel blessed when we can put a smile on someones face! I hope my stories inspire you to do just that with the ones whom are closest to you!

THANK YOU for stopping by my blog and please let me know if your visit here put a smile on your face! My personal email is

If you like what you read here then go to the right and order a copy of each of the books today!

Have a fun day, Michael Shawn Keller

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

With the new year comes new beginnings. Make the best of each day and pass along something good to everyone you meet. With the new year remember to throw away the baggage and grumpy thoughts! Be yourself and Be HAPPY! Don't take the day for granted. Be nice.
Have a safe and fun New Year everyone,
Michael Shawn

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

God and Christmas!

Now that Christmas is just around the corner I wanted to take a moment to talk about what I feel is the true meaning of Christmas. It is very simple, yet we all make it complicated and stressful. “Stinginess impoverishes while generosity begets generosity.” That one sentence sums it up and explains how we should be living. Not only during the holidays but every day! Jesus said “Does anyone bring a lamp home and put it under a washtub or beneath the bed? Don’t you put it up on a table or on the mantel?” The point here is let’s share our joy and love for each other. Giving is the way, not getting!

I keep my blog pretty simple because I don’t believe in complicating matters. I don’t preach because I know I am far from perfect and have so much more to learn. I see many so-called prayer warriors who are prayer ignorant. They try selling formulas, programs, and advice on techniques for getting what you want from God. Be careful not to fall for all of that nonsense. Christmas is about Jesus and what he did for us. Christmas is simple because of a loving God who knows each and everyone of us. Christmas is about knowing each of your loved ones and sharing your time and laughter together. Make it a safe, fun, and memorable day by surrounding yourself with others.

Merry Christmas!

Mike Keller

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just Shut Up and Have Fun! Merry Christmas...

One of my favorite times of the year is the Christmas season because we all seem to take a step back and think about others first. I often wonder why we don’t seem to hold on to that holiday feeling for the entire year? If we sincerely thought about others needs before our own all year round we would be much happier, healthier, and wiser! I am not talking about the gifts that are bought, I am saying the hugs, the family gatherings, the laughter, the excitement, and the love that we feel toward one another. So often we are so caught up in our own lives that we forget to slow down and ask a friend how he or she is doing? One of the biggest lessons I have learned this holiday season so far is that we all love to hear ourselves talk! I have been trying to do less talking and more listening (as I previously wrote about in previous blog entries) and I am truly amazed at how much better I am at listening than talking! Just by listening to others more intently is being a better friend. Listen to what others are saying and you will learn so much more about your own life. The Christmas holiday season is a great time to practice doing this. I want to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season, a season to smile and build memories of a lifetime!

Merry Christmas!

Cartoons with a positive message! I do this when I am bored (wierd)

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